Boreholes and extracting potable water
Getting good water from the ground can be a sizeable task. It may start as either a miniborehole or a fully developed borehole with steel casings and percussion drilling riggs. A recent NMG commissioned project involved a sonar ground water echo location and planned rig borehole development.
Preparations to drill on site. The fence had to be removed to allow rigging equipment access to the site.
Drilling underway now.
Humanitarian Water Projects
Water is Life goes the saying…, however providing clean potable water is indispensable in an age which sees profits above even human life and dignity. Abu Hurairah(Allah be pleased him) said that Allah’s Messenger, Muhammad (Peace be upon him) said: “On the Day of Judgment, Allah, the Exalted, will say: “.. “O son of Adam! I asked you to give water to Me, but you did not give it to Me!”
The son of Adam will say: “O Allah, How come You ask me for water even though You are the Lord of the Worlds?” Allah will say: “My slave asked you for water and you refused to give him. Don’t you know that if you had given him water, I would have rewarded you?” From the Sahih of Muslim in the chapter, Al-Birr Wal Silah.
“If he thirst, give him water to drink” , The Bible, Proverbs
We are currently busy installing groundwater boreholes and water nano-filtration systems to provide freshwater at a school and mosque in the Cape Flats region. Some of our highly motivated workteams is seen busy in the pictures below.
The future of transport
In an amazing research and development initiative, Virgin is at the pioneering edge of a transport mechanism that is the next disrupter in freight and cargo movement on the globe. Trucking will undergo a major change if these automated and fully controlled superfast transporters are making their way next to our highways and seaports. See this exiting development at Virgin.
Karim Trust and Masjid Karim follow African Initiative.
There are millions of sub-standard, unsafe electrical products on offer and, in contravention of compulsory specifications. These products can end up being installed in residential, commercial and industrial buildings.
Those in the industry should avoid unscrupulous and negligent suppliers who sell these sub-standard, unsafe products. These products present significant risk to the people who buy and install them. Non-compliant products can fail, causing injury and even death due to fire or electrocution.
The sale and installation of electrical products are governed in South Africa by the following:
- The National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications Act No 5 of 2008, which covers the sale of products and applies to electrical products, including those for fixed installations such as sockets, plugs, adaptors, and cord extension sets;
- The Occupational Health and Safety Act No 85 of 1993, which covers the use of products in fixed installations such as socket outlets, wall switches, stove isolators, and circuit breakers. This Act also prescribes the Wiring Code (SANS 10142-1) for the wiring of fixed installations in the work environment.
- The Electrical Installation Regulations, Government Notice R242 March 2009, which sets out the regulations applicable to domestic, commercial and industrial installations. All the components used therein must comply with the Code of Practice for Wiring of Premises, SANS 10142-1, which also covers the installation approval process for the issuing of Certificates of Compliance (CoCs) for new and existing installations.
Pop-Up Renewable Energy to replace Diesel Gensets during day-jobs
Very often there is a need for temporary power supplies for construction sites, disaster relief efforts or music festivals.
Currently we are working on rapidly deployable, PV supplies to improve the self-sufficiency of mission critical projects without the need of fuel logistics. Diesel consumption related to the provision of electricity can account for up to 70 percent of fuel usage costs.
We are working on pre-assembled, relocatable solar arrays with a maximum output of 2, 3 and 4kW with battery pack and 6th Generation IGBT inverters.
The C2I International Training is presenting a course, ‘Principles of Rooftop PV Systems’ over four days from 21 to 24 May 2018. This course will repeat at the following dates as well:
04 to 07 June 2018, and 18 t0 21 June 2018.
The Venue is at: C2I Training Centre, Tokai.
This programme is suitable for artisans, electricians and technicians in the public and private sectors.
The workshop will cover the following topics :
- Solar as an energy source (photovoltaics)
- PV Systems, types and configurations
- Understanding load calculations
- Understanding the battery bank
- Mounting systems
- Installation methods
- College graduates, Matriculants, Wiremen
- Electrical technicians
- Internally Accredited, examined and IAO compliant
Price: R8 550 (VAT incl)
Contact: Dr Mohamed Khan by email to register: c2itraining@nmgafrica.com